2km Primary School Challenge
Start time:
Sunday 16/03/2025
10:00am – Racers
10:30am – Chasers- Approximate start time. This race will commence after all racers have completed the first lap.
The “Racers” wave is for children of all ages who want to race hard and challenge themselves to achieve their best. No parents / carers are allowed to start in this wave.
The “Chasers” wave is for children of all ages and we encourage parent / carer participation and social completion of the event as a family.
All children in both waves will receive a medal at the finish and their official time will be published on the website. Times on the website will not be separated by wave, but will be separated by age.
The 2km event will be timed and all children will receive a finishers medal. There will be no official placings or prizes for fastest finishers in this event. All finisher times will be listed on the website.
NIL. All children are encouraged to enter this event and walk or run. Participation is the key here.
Aid Stations:
Water will be available.
This event is for primary aged children only. Parents / carers are welcome to join their children but will be required to wear a bib identifying them as an accompanying adult. Accompanying adults are only permitted in the “Chases” wave. Full details available on the Primary Schools page.
Course Description
Start at rear of Norm Minns / Showground complex.
Run toward the rear gates of the complex and turn left onto the gravel just before the gates.
Run along the gravel track, then turn left where the gravel road intersects with another gravel road.
Run along the gravel track until it meets the sealed section.
Turn right and run around the sealed internal roadway of the complex.
Run back across the start mat and complete a second lap.
Toward the end of the second lap, turn right onto the grass where directed.
Run across the grass and over the finish line.