Event Info
Event start times, presentation times, course descriptions, course maps, elevation profiles, photo and video are available on each specific “Event” page.
Bibs will be mailed out initially in early March. Entries in March will be held for collection on the day, or you can pick up your bib from the Wangaratta Chronicle office from the 26th February 2024 to 15th March 2024. You can also pick up your bib from the Showgrounds on Saturday 16th March, 1pm – 4pm
If you choose to collect your bib on the morning of the event, please ensure that you arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your race start.
Entry on The Day
Entries will NOT be accepted on the day.
Late Entries
Entries will also be taken on Saturday 16th March at the Wangaratta Showgrounds between 10:30am and 4pm, online entries close 5pm Saturday 16th March 2024.
Baggage Drop
Space will be set aside as a baggage area right near the start and finish at the event headquarters building (Wangaratta Kennel Clubrooms). Your event bib number will be attached to your bag and so remember to bring this back with you when you collect. Use of this service is included in your event entry fee.
Start Procedure
Entrants who have received their race bibs prior to event day need NOT check in to officials on the day. Simply attend the start line at the scheduled time. Refer to the program for times and details. Entrants MUST cross the timing mats at the start of the event or they will not receive a time for the event.
Water will be available for entrants pre-race. Fruit supplied by Nufruit, and water will be available to entrants after their event.
Aid Stations
Aid stations will be set-up on course at regular intervals. Refer to the individual event pages for location details. There will be a minimum of one aid station for 2km and 5km entrants and a minimum of two aid stations for 10km entrants. These aid stations will offer water only.
Additional Marathon and Half Marathon aid stations will be established at distances between 2.0 and 3.0km apart (max is 3.2km). These aid stations will offer water only.
Personal Nutrition
Personal nutrition supplies cannot be delivered to aid stations by event organisers. Individuals are welcome to arrange the delivery of personal supplies to aid stations on course prior to the event if required.
Toilets are available at the Start / Finish (5m from course), AFL Change Rooms (180m walk), North End of the complex (400m walk), and on course at Apex Park (50m from course) and Bachelors Green (50m from course). There will be a portable toilet provided at the Golf Club Estate aid station. Refer to specific event pages for further details of where these are in “distance” terms.
Phones and Mobile Devices
Personal music devices ARE allowed. However we request that you don’t start these until after the pre-event briefing and that they are kept at a volume that only you can hear.
Animals such as dogs are not allowed to accompany entrants in any event. The exception of course is legally registered service dogs. Registration papers will need to be provided.
Wheels / Motors & Other Toys
Bicycles, skateboards, roller blades and similar devices / vehicles whether motorised or not are PROHIBITED from use by entrants. Any other toys, signs, placards, unusual clothing etc. that may unreasonably offend or inhibit other competitors will also be banned.
Prams are absolutely, completely and totally encouraged! Only single width prams are allowed however as the course is narrow in places. People with prams must not walk or run beside each other unless passing, and must keep to the left edge of the course.
Entrants are advised that the 10km course includes a significant section of unsealed urban trail. If planning to use a pram, it is recommended that entrants check the course for suitability in advance of submitting an entry.
Finish Procedure
Once you go through the finish your bib number will be electronically recorded. Please ensure that your bib number is clearly visible on the front of your clothing.
Failure to have bib displayed may result in a ‘did not finish’ (DNF) being recorded.
Post Event
Refreshments of fruit and water will be provided post race. Event bib must be worn to access the refreshments area. Other food and drinks will also be available for purchase for non entrants or entrants who prefer something different.
Basic showers (very limited) are available on-site after events. Anybody wishing to use these will need to bring their own towels and / or toiletry supplies.
If you need to withdraw from any event, you must inform a volunteer at the nearest aid station or make contact with race administration by phone at your next opportunity (phone details supplied in event information).
From Albury / Wodonga: Take first Wangaratta exit off Hume freeway. Follow main road into Wangaratta and turn right at first traffic lights. Turn right at Green Street roundabout. Follow Green Street and continue through sweeping left hand bend. Turn right into Schilling Drive about 500m after left hand sweeping bend.
From Melbourne: Take first Wangaratta Exit off Hume freeway. Follow main road into Wangaratta and turn left at second traffic lights. Continue over train line and take right-hand option after cresting the overpass (Green Street). Follow Green Street to the end and continue around a sweeping left hand bend. Turn right into Schilling Drive about 500m after the sweeping bend.
From Yarrawonga: Follow main Wangaratta-Yarrawonga Road past the golfclub and into the urban area of Wangaratta. Shortly after the High School (which is on your right) turn left into Schilling Drive.
LOCATION MAP (to car park area)
Start & Finish Area
There is plenty of parking in and around the Showgrounds complex. No vehicles are allowed inside the Showgrounds complex, however parking exists in:
Barr Reserve carpark at the North end of Schilling Drive,
In the large grass area between the WJ Findlay Oval and Schilling Drive,
Along Golf Links Lane (limited),
Along Gray Street, Green Street and Edwards Street.
Course Accuracy
All courses have been measured but are uncertified. Reference to the formal process for road course measurement is available on the IAAF website.
Course Timing
A timing chip is attached to entrant race bibs. All tags will become active when each event starts and will be ‘read” by a decoder as entrants cross a start mat and later, a finish mat. Results will be compiled from chip times only.